The waning half-moon on July 28th is also known as the Third Quarter Moon. This phase represents the moon's inner autumn, a period of introspection and release following the fullness of the moon's summer.
As the moon's light decreases, we are called to let go of the patterns and habits that deplete us, the ones that prevent us from experiencing life with an open heart. This is a time to turn inward, reflecting on what holds us back and what we need to release to move forward.
The waning half-moon invites us to prepare for the new beginnings that come with the dark moon. It is a moment to make space within ourselves, clear out the old, and make room for future gifts.
Opening Blessing
Women before us, around us, and yet to come, who live through the heart, who are one with the elements, who can see and hear beyond the delusion, may we welcome you to sit with us.
May your wisdom guide us, your strength reminds us, and your love merges with us. We honor your presence and invite your spirit to join us.
Personal and Collective Insights
This week, I remembered something a wise woman once told me: "Each day you receive four blessings. Look for them."
Inspired by this, Auraya and I embraced this practice. On that very day, we discovered four sea urchin shells, beautifully hollow and free of their spikes.
Normally, we avoid sea urchins due to their painful spikes. Stepping on them can be a sharp reminder of their defense mechanisms.
Yet, without their spikes, the shells reveal an intricate and delicate beauty.
This discovery felt symbolic, reminding me that there can be hidden beauty and vulnerability beneath protective exteriors.
In Native American culture, the sea urchin is seen as a symbol of protection. The spines on its body represent the ability to ward off danger or harm. It’s believed that carrying a piece of sea urchin can provide safety and security from negative energy.
It’s interesting because I have had a few moments this week where my spike came out and I forgot myself. I could have believe my thoughts and build the protection, but I paused and softened. A mantra I have been holding is “I will return to love, over and over again, I love you”
Personal and Collective Insights
This week, I contemplated the concept of the ego and its role in our lives. The ego consists of the labels and identities we attach to ourselves, often blocking our true connection to the heart. Our world encourages us to seek external validations—buying new things, learning new skills, exploring new places.
An ego death happens when a deeply held idea about ourselves or the world falls away, leading to a form of grief.
This process can be gentle if we choose it consciously, but it can also be challenging if imposed by life’s circumstances. Reflect on what aspects of your ego are driving you but no longer serve your true self.
Mantra: "I release the old, and return to my heart."
Full Circle
Reflecting on the concept of returning full circle, consider whether you've encountered opportunities to revisit a place, relationship, or situation from your past. This journey often mirrors the Hero's Return described by Joseph Campbell, where the hero leaves, faces challenges, gains wisdom, and then returns transformed.
Is there a part of your life where you’re coming back to a familiar point?
It could be a health issue resurfacing, a relationship rekindling, or a situation demanding your attention once more.
Reflect on what boundaries might not have been honored or what lessons you have yet to fully grasp.
Ask yourself:
What have you overlooked?
What remains unaddressed in your journey?
Welcome this opportunity for renewal and growth with awareness and compassion.
Mantra: "You’re doing great, move with grace and gentleness."
Shining Light
Focus on moving towards what reminds you of your inner light. Welcome experiences, people, and places that resonate with your true essence. Also, notice how you can reflect this light for others too.
Trust that your inner truth is guiding you and remember that you are not responsible for fixing others. Your role is to shine your light authentically and allow others to find their own path.
Mantra: "The light in me bows to the light in you."
Become aware of the synchronicities in your life—those meaningful coincidences that guide and inform your journey. Stay open to receiving messages through various channels: gifts, visions, dreams, and subtle signs. These experiences often carry important insights and guidance.
Express gratitude for these synchronicities, recognizing them as signs of alignment and support on your path.
Mantra: "I am open to hearing that which cannot be heard."
Tarot and Oracle Reading
Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords appears in your reading as a powerful symbol of clarity and independence. She sits with her sword outstretched, embodying traits of unbiased judgment, clear boundaries, and direct communication. This card invites you to harness these qualities:
Independence and Intellect: Call forth your inner strength and intellect. The Queen of Swords encourages you to approach matters with a clear, unbiased perspective.
Boundaries and Communication: Set and maintain clear boundaries. Communicate directly and honestly, ensuring that your interactions are transparent and straightforward.
Emotional Awareness: Notice any emotions that arise and pause to reflect. Observe your thoughts and sensations as if watching a movie. This detachment allows you to center yourself in the heart, making choices from a place of clarity and balance.
As you navigate your path, channel the Queen of Swords' energy to cut through confusion and make decisions with both wisdom and emotional intelligence.
Mantra: "I observe my thoughts and emotions, pausing to center in my heart and choose with clarity."
Dark Mirror Oracle Reading: "Fated to Suffer" (25=7)

The "Fated to Suffer" card from the Dark Mirror Oracle deck invites you to confront deep-seated emotions and narratives of depression and suffering. This card reflects on the myths and stories that have shaped our perceptions and influenced our emotional state.
Inherited Narratives: Throughout history, tales have been used to control and prepare minds, often with good intentions but sometimes with more manipulative motives. These stories, passed down through generations, may shape our understanding of the world and ourselves.
Questioning Truth: Reflect on how these stories have influenced your beliefs and worldview. Just because a narrative has been repeated often doesn't necessarily make it true. Examine how these fables might have colored your perspective, sometimes lowering your self-esteem or distorting your reality.
Revisiting Old Stories: Consider the classic tales you’ve internalized. For example, the story of the witch with the red apple might be reinterpreted not as a poisoner but as a figure offering nourishment. This shift in perspective can help you see beyond inherited fears and limitations.
Social Media and Propaganda: Be aware of how modern platforms perpetuate fairy tales and propaganda to promote certain agendas or sell products. Social media often distorts reality, presenting curated versions of life that may feed into your existing beliefs.
Ego Death and Awakening: This card ties into the concept of ego death. The comfort of familiar stories might reinforce ego-driven beliefs. By recognizing these narratives for what they are, you can approach life with fresh eyes, free from the constraints of outdated or misleading tales.
Mantra: "I release inherited stories and embrace each moment with fresh eyes and an open heart."
(7) The number 7 signifies a deep quest for spiritual growth and inner wisdom, guiding you toward introspection and profound understanding.
Shaman’s Dream Oracle Reading:
"Hollow Bones - Teachability" (28= 2+8 = 10 =1)

The "Hollow Bones" card from the Shaman’s Dream Oracle deck emphasizes teachability and humility. Just as a hollow bone is used as a flute for spirit to breathe through, this card invites you to become empty and receptive, letting go of ego-driven need to be right.
Humility and Receptivity: Embrace a state of humility by releasing the ego's desire for validation. Become like the hollow bone, open and empty, allowing spirit to flow through you and guide your path.
Receive Messages: Something important is trying to reach you. Stay open and attentive, with daily intention to receive guidance through synchronicities, dreams, words, and sensations.
Call in Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for support from spirit when needed. Be receptive to the help and messages that come your way.
Transform Challenges: View apparent dangers or obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning. Shift your perspective to see potential where you might initially see a threat.
Mantra: "I remain open and receptive, allowing spirit to guide me and transform challenges into opportunities."
In numerology, the number 1 signifies new beginnings, leadership, and individuality. It represents the start of a fresh journey and encourages you to assert your unique path with confidence.
Creating Your Evolving Altar (Daily Ritual)
This week, craft a dynamic altar to honor and celebrate the daily gifts you receive from nature. Start with a centerpiece that brings you joy, such as a favorite crystal or a simple cloth.
Each day, add a new natural treasure—like a leaf, a flower, or a stone—placing it on your altar with gratitude.
As you add each item, take a moment to thank nature for its beauty and presence.
Allow your altar to evolve throughout the week, reflecting your connection with the natural world and the blessings it offers.
At the week's end, reflect on the collection and any insights gained from this practice.
Ceremony: Discovering and Honoring Patterns
Sit quietly by your altar and invite the patterns or recurring thoughts that need attention to come forward.
Gently ask to be shown and felt. Tune into the sensations and emotions associated with these patterns.
Pose the question: "What is behind the door of this pattern or thought?"
Sit with this part of yourself and listen deeply. Ask her what she needs to feel safe and understood.
Write down the responses and insights you receive, and place this note on your altar.
Allow these words to remain there throughout the week as a reminder of the ongoing journey.
Invitation to the Dark Moon Women’s Circle (Free or Donation)
Dear Sisters,
As we approach the sacred time of the Dark Moon and the Lammas Festival on August 1th, I warmly invite you to join our Women’s Circle.
Event: Dark Moon Women’s Circle
Date: Sunday, August 4th, 9 am MDT
Theme: Rebirth
What to Expect:
Honoring the Elements: Create and bring a personal altar to our circle, reflecting your connection to the elements. Detailed instructions for altar creation will be sent to you in advance.
Meditation with Demeter: A guided meditation to connect with the goddess Demeter, welcoming her energies of rebirth, fertility, and abundance.
Heroine’s Journey: Reflect on your personal growth and the transformative journey you’ve undertaken. Share and honor the steps you’ve taken along your path.
Honoring the Death of Ego: Participate in a ritual to acknowledge and release aspects of the ego that no longer serve you.
Please RSVP here
With love,