Welcome, Sister! 🌕 Let's explore this week's FULL MOON energies.
I’m glad you’re here. Today we will explore
Feel free to explore each section and find what resonates with you! 🌙✨
Thank you for supporting these weekly readings; donations are welcome as a gesture of reciprocity for the lifeforce shared in creating these moments of reflection each week. (Donation Link)
This week I am preparing for the 3-day Winter Solstice ceremony with my sister Sian. We will be coming together to express what is ready to be released in the body and to rest within our precious vessel, dropping into the energy of receiving.
As with all things in life, this is a reciprocal gift. You are giving your awareness to your body and heart, and in return, you will receive nourishment from life force and the wisdom it carries.
We hope to see you there :)
Full Moon Energy

Moon Energetics – 15th December
There seems to be an energy familiar to anxiety or confusion circulating like a need to DO something or make a decision. The message that has been coming through in my dreams and readings is to acknowledge the challenge and remember that you have been dedicating so much of your life force to your growth and healing. You have the skills and tools. Let your authentic expression radiate into the world.
Connect with nature, connect with loved ones. The words that stand out are compassionate, curious presence. From here, trust and stay awake to guidance for the next stage.
This week, we also have Mercury moving direct and a full moon—let's go deeper.
The Full Moon
The Cold Moon, or Long Night Moon, is December’s full moon symbolizing renewal, introspection and resilience in Native American folklore.
The full moon shines its light on the world around us, recharging nature and our bodies. It resembles the mother archetype energy—nourishment and all-knowing.
Throughout history, it has been a time for gathering and manifesting, representing the propelling movement forward, the transformation, the expression!
Maybe you’re feeling this energy moving through you, urging you to create in the world or interact. Or perhaps you need the nourishment, allowing yourself to lay back, draw the energy within, and direct it to the places that are calling for it.
The Full Moon:
Moon's Inner Summer – Creation, interaction, blossoming, receiving.
Moon's Inner Mother – Nourishment, softness, nurturing.
This is the peak of energy dedicated to a given intention, before we step back to reflect and release what we’ve noticed is not aligned.
5-minute somatic movement – Express all that is unexpressed.
5 minutes lying down – Direct the energy to a specific place where your intention lies (where are you cradling that within you?).
Reflection Questions:
What intention did you hold for this moon cycle?
What has been revealed to you?
How can you use this information going forward?
What can you say thank you for regarding this experience?
Moon Meditation
Mercury Goes Direct: 15th Dec
What does it mean?
Mercury Retrograde occurs when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth. Mercury governs communication, technology, travel, and the mind. When it "retrogrades," the usual flow of communication, decision-making, and clear thinking can feel interrupted or confused.
Mercury Goes Direct on December 15th
Take a deep breath—the fog and confusion that may have clouded your mind, body, relationships, and projects over the past few weeks is finally starting to clear.
When you're in the thick of confusion, it's hard to see the full picture, but now, as Mercury moves direct, it's time to rise and peel off the sticky webs you may have felt caught up in. The clarity you receive is a gift, a fresh perspective, and a chance to align with truth and wisdom.
Now that Mercury is moving forward, expect more open and honest exchanges.
How might your communication skills have sharpened?
Consider the ways you've learned to speak your truth, express yourself more freely, and understand others with greater clarity.
What are your absolute "no's" when it comes to energy expenditure?
Are there certain patterns of abusive relating or withholding love that you're no longer willing to accept?
We’re being called to step into real, authentic relationships—and that means setting healthy boundaries. As Mercury moves forward, your familiar dynamics may be challenged.
Of course, there will be moments when you slip up or fall back into old patterns. That's okay. The real work is in how quickly you can wake up and reconnect to conscious relating.
Mantra: I respect my boundaries. I say NO to abusive or unbalanced relating.
Sidereal Astrology
Sidereal vs. Tropical Astrology
Sidereal astrology uses the real positions of the stars in the sky to create your chart. It differs from tropical astrology. Because the Earth’s position slowly shifts over time, sidereal astrology reflects where the stars actually are today, while tropical astrology keeps the zodiac signs fixed to the seasons. As a result, your zodiac sign might be different in sidereal astrology compared to tropical astrology.
Sun in Ophiuchus 🐍

Sun in Ophiuchus – The Hidden and Forgotten
As the Sun journeys through Ophiuchus—the zodiac’s often-overlooked and mysterious sign—we are invited to explore the hidden, rejected, and wounded parts of ourselves. These are the aspects we might fear, hide, or feel shame around, yet they hold immense power when acknowledged and integrated.
With this energy moving through the 6th house this week, the focus shifts to our daily lives and routines.
The question arises: Where can I weave more ritual into my everyday life, transforming it into a sacred ceremony that honors all parts of myself?
This is a call to intentionally create space—even just five minutes—to allow the unexpressed to find expression. Whether through art, poetry, music, dance, or touch, choose a medium and explore how it feels.
Often, our hidden gifts are buried so deeply in the shadows that we must gently search for them and, with compassion, welcome them into the light.
This energy is not just about illuminating these hidden aspects but also about acceptance and reintegration. It’s an invitation to embrace the entirety of who we are, including the parts that feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar.
Dedicate time this week to connect with all parts of yourself. Approach this with curiosity and a gentle hand. Be prepared for what you might discover, and let compassion be your guide.
Questions for Reflection:
What parts of myself do I reject or avoid?
How do I typically respond when I feel triggered—both by people I know well and by strangers?
What do I expect from my loved ones in how they treat me, and how am I treating myself in comparison?
Our hidden gifts often emerge as either wounds to be healed or wisdom to be expressed.
Both are valuable because they contribute to the collective awakening. While the word "awakening" may feel overused, its essence remains vital. Throughout history, humanity has evolved—shifting perspectives, beliefs, and ways of living.
These shifts occur because individuals engage in personal discovery and integration, rippling outward to influence others and the collective consciousness.
For a fascinating exploration of this ripple effect, consider Rupert Sheldrake's research on morphic fields and the hundredth monkey effect—a concept where behavioral changes in one group seem to influence another through unseen connections.
Moon in Taurus

Moon in Taurus: Grounding in Stability
The Moon is in Taurus, soon moving into Gemini. Under Taurus' energy, we are held by the strength and stability of the Bull. This is a time to trust in the protective and grounding qualities that this earth sign offers.
If you find it difficult to connect to these qualities within yourself, consider who or what around you embodies them. Is there a person, archetype, or element you can lean on to feel this stability?
Taurus energy teaches us to pause, observe, and trust. This grounded presence encourages us to stand steady and reminds us that we are strong and wise enough to hold and navigate all situations. Feeding into anxiety or overthinking may pull you out of the present, potentially creating unnecessary challenges.
Earth Practices to Anchor Yourself:
Ground yourself through earthing: walk barefoot on the earth or spend time in nature.
Engage in slow, controlled movements like yoga or dance to the beat of drums.
Practice deep, intentional breaths to connect to your body and the present moment.
Mantra: I am held. I can be with all that arises.
Building these grounding skills now will provide a solid foundation as the Moon transitions into Gemini. With this solid platform, you can step into the Gemini energy of exploration and inquiry with confidence and trust.
Thank you for supporting these weekly readings; donations are welcome as a gesture of reciprocity for the lifeforce shared in creating these moments of reflection each week. (Donation Link)
See below for upcoming events, hope to see you there!!!!
Danielle xx
Next Online Circle's
🌕 INVITATION: 6-Week Women’s Circle Facilitator Training - Owl Cohort 🌕Next Cohort Begins: January 29, 2025