Welcome, Sister! 🌕 Let's explore this week's DARK MOON energies.
I’m glad you’re here. Today we will explore
Feel free to explore each section and find what resonates with you! 🌙✨
🌕 INVITATION: 6-Week Women’s Circle Facilitator Training - Owl Cohort 🌕Next Cohort Begins: January 29, 2025
Early bird sliding scale is available until December 1st—after that, the price will be fixed. Only 5 spots are remaining, so reserve yours today! 🌌✨
Dark Moon Energy

Moon Energy: Embracing the End of the Cycle (30th Nov-1st December)
As we end this moon cycle, we step into a time of introspection and preparation. The moon’s energy mirrors the quiet of winter—a veil thinning, inviting us to connect deeply with spirit. This is not a time for making plans or decisions but for receiving, listening, and releasing.
Let this moment be a sacred pause:
🌑 A time to let things be seen.
🌑 A time to take what nourishes you.
🌑 A time to release what no longer serves.
In this phase, we become vessels, opening our hearts to alchemize challenges and holding space for transformation—both for ourselves and the collective.
🪴 Note: Plant the seeds in the light of the new moon
Ritual for Release & Renewal
1. Set the Space: Create an environment of stillness with a candle, your journal, and a fire-safe bowl. Welcome the elements into your space to ground and inspire you.
2. Journaling Reflection:
What has come into clarity during this moon cycle?
What insights, or fruits of your efforts are you ready to celebrate?
What attachments, patterns, or draining forces are asking for release?
What challenges can you hold with deep love and compassion?
3. Burning Ceremony
Write down what you’re ready to let go of on a small piece of paper.
Safely burn the paper, visualizing those energies transforming and returning to the earth.
If possible, bury the ashes, offering them back to the soil to nurture future growth.
4. Prayer & Stillness: Close your eyes and say:
"May this moment be a fresh canvas to alchemize challenges into love and wisdom. I honor the cycles of life and release what no longer serves. May I be a vessel to receive and listen with grace for myself, my family, and the collective."
Moon Meditation
Mercury Retrograde: 25th Nov - 15th Dec
What does it mean?
Mercury Retrograde occurs when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth. Mercury governs communication, technology, travel, and the mind. When it "retrogrades," the usual flow of communication, decision-making, and clear thinking can feel interrupted or confused.
This year, Mercury Retrograde will take place from November 25 to December 15. While often feared for its potential to cause delays, disruptions, or misunderstandings, it’s actually a powerful opportunity for reflection, realignment, and rethinking. When we bring this energy into our awareness, we create space to choose how we respond rather than react.
Tips for Navigating Mercury Retrograde:
Wake up from unconscious patterns: If you find yourself stuck in a draining thought loop or reactive actions, take a moment to create space. Deep breaths, a pause, or a quick reset can bring clarity.
Create a plan: When you make space, don’t stop there—what will you do with this newfound time? I have a mantra:“I am awake. I am choosing love. I am triggered, and that’s okay.”
Go back into the world slower: With a fresh perspective, move through your day with more softness and patience.
Reflect: When you have more time, ask yourself:
What was really happening in that situation?
What tools can I develop to handle this better in the future?
How are my boundaries and communication?
Mercury Retrograde invites us to slow down, take a breath, and use this time for reflection and growth.
Sidereal Astrology
Sidereal vs. Tropical Astrology
Sidereal astrology uses the real positions of the stars in the sky to create your chart. It differs from tropical astrology. Because the Earth’s position slowly shifts over time, sidereal astrology reflects where the stars actually are today, while tropical astrology keeps the zodiac signs fixed to the seasons. As a result, your zodiac sign might be different in sidereal astrology compared to tropical astrology.
Sun in Scorpio

🌞 Sun in Scorpio (Water element)
Scorpion: Deep, transformative, secretive, fierce in defense, embracing the power of renewal and the shadows within.
The Sun in Scorpio invites us to draw energy from what we love and to dive deeply into passions and desires that bring us joy and fulfillment. Teaming up with Mercury retrograde for the next few weeks, the cosmos offers us a powerful opportunity to reevaluate boundaries—whether with loved ones, work, social media, or even our own thoughts.
This is a time to ask:
Where is your energy being drained?
How can you redirect your focus toward joy and sensuality?
Reevaluating in the Age of Information
In today’s hyperconnected world, technology demands our attention, pulling us into a constant exchange of information. This isn’t the local gossip of a neighborhood; it’s the global stage, serving up the 'most interesting things' at all times.
The result? Overstimulation and energy depletion. Scorpio’s energy reminds us to create space—not to withdraw completely, but to step back, unravel, and realign. When we consciously pause, we can reclaim our energy and redirect it toward what nourishes and fulfills us.
Reflection Questions
1. Making Space:
What’s currently draining your energy?
What boundaries may welcome adjustment?
2. Realigning Your Energy:
In the space you create, what will you do to unravel and realign?
How will you consciously nourish yourself in that space?
An Invitation to Nourish
Take this moment to shift your focus to what truly matters—those activities and connections that fill you with joy, sensuality, and life. Allow yourself to unravel the noise and distractions, creating room for clarity and a deeper connection to yourself and others.
By honoring Scorpio’s transformative energy, you can cultivate healthy boundaries, reclaim your energy, and realign with what brings you love, joy, and purpose.
Moon in Ophiuchus 🐍

Moon in Ophiuchus 🐍 (Element: Spirit) Transitioning to Scorpio (Element: Water)
Ophiuchus, the hidden and often forgotten star sign, doesn't appear in tropical astrology, yet its energy feels deeply resonant. This sign represents the unseen and exiled parts of ourselves.
Ophiuchus therefore invites us to welcome home all aspects of who we are—the parts we may feel ashamed of, embarrassed by, or believe don’t quite fit.
This is a potent moment of integration:
Seeing and accepting the hidden.
Shifting from colonized ways of being to authentic living.
When we acknowledge these hidden parts, we gain awareness of how they might unconsciously influence us. From this space of recognition, we can consciously choose how we show up in the world.
The Power of the Ophiuchus Energy
Secrets, whether buried deep within or hidden in plain sight, have the power to shape our actions from the shadows. Ophiuchus encourages us to bring these secrets into the light. This is a call for radical acceptance of the self—a reclamation of our wholeness.
As the moon transitions from Ophiuchus to Scorpio, the energy deepens. Scorpio calls us into the depths of our emotions, relationships, and shadow selves. This is a time for:
Radical responsibility: Owning your experiences without deflection.
Inner illumination: Shining light on the shadows that entangle you.
Transformation: Embracing change in your relationships and evolving connections.
Reflection Questions:
What hidden parts of yourself are asking to be seen and embraced?
How have your shadows influenced your relationships?
What shifts are needed to align more deeply with your truth?
An Invitation to Depth and Strength
This is a time of deeper integration—a call to accept, illuminate, and transform. The moon’s journey from Ophiuchus to Scorpio invites you to explore the hidden corners of your being and to step into the strength of your full authenticity.
As you navigate these energies, remember that every shadow brought into the light becomes a source of power. Through this process, you welcome home all parts of yourself, creating space for deeper connection, evolution, and wholeness.
Tarot Reading with Sian Maria
I’m excited to welcome my sister Sian, who will join us with a tarot reading video to complement our sidereal astrology insights and ritual ideas. You can book an online reading with Sian at sianmaria.com. (Highly recommend)
Also, Sian and I are running a weekly FREE personal tarot reading session! Get your reminder for Wednesday, 4th December here: Women's Circle Online Instagram Event. See you there! ✨🔮
Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle:
• Myrmidon (Discipline) - Use your anchoring practices and healthy habits to support your through turmoil. Keep everything as strong as possible and you will weather the storm.
• Minotaur (Compassion) - Something may seem aggressive or dangerous from first view, but if we can have some compassion for that aspect, we will see the lightness that resides beneath it.
• Fetch (Mirror) - We may be mirroring our own wounds onto others. A lot of conflicts can come up during Mercury Retrograde, so take a second to consider what issues you may be reflecting on before you lay blame on others.
Norse Tarot:
• 5 of Wands - There is an inner conflict happening. This may feel extremely uncomfortable, but we need these conflicts to find resolutions and move to the next level.
• King of Swords - With all of the heightened emotions coming up with Mercury Retrograde, welcome some logical approaches. Stay mentally calm and resilient, and see what struggles may be solved with the mind.
• 2 of Swords - Bringing more emphasis on balancing out our heightened emotions with the logical mind. Also a reminder again of balance to our interactions with other people, and that conflicts can come from us just as much as they can come from the other.
Mantra for this phase:
"I honor the depths of my being with courage and vulnerability and I express my truth with creativity and joy. I release what no longer serves me, making space for new growth, love, and light." ✨🦁
Thank you for supporting these weekly readings; donations are welcome as a gesture of reciprocity for the lifeforce shared in creating these moments of reflection each week. (Donation Link)
See below for upcoming events, hope to see you there!!!!
Danielle xx
Next Online Circle's