Lovely to meet you I'm Danielle,
If you don't have time to read my full bio, in one sentence I would describe my role in our collective community on earth to be:
An explorer of truth and practitioner of self healing
Why do I find myself taking on this role and deepening my practices? I do it because I can't not
I have many qualifications, but I don't pride myself on them, they are part of my design. My practices and expressions are a result of my past, present reflections and downloaded information from sitting in deep meditation.
An ever evolving being, happy to final feel at peace with my entire life experience. No longer trying to escape the body or mind, I decide to dance with the rhythms of my body and nature.
What does that look like?
Sometimes super messy, sometimes anchored and expansive, sometime wild and curious, sometime exhausted and confused.

As a child I felt alone, confused and in pain. I was always looking at the world as though I was watching a movie, I movie I wasn't really interested in. It made no sense to me, but I didn't know why?
At 16 I left for the Army, this I saw as my new home, a safe and organised structure. The masculine energy I had been craving after being raised without a father until I was 11 years old. I was molded, brainwashed and stripped of my innocence.
I left after 12 years qualified technician, nurse and physical trainer. On my 5 year in the Army I stumbled across a Buddhist centre, around the same time I had started yoga.
My world was turned upside down.
What kind of matrix was I living in? but for once my hope was strengthen and I dove into studying and practicing. I travelled the world learning from incredible teachers and along the way divorced my husband, who I'd been with since I was 17.
I had no idea what was happening, but for the first time in my life I felt free. I started holding women's circles, teaching yoga and using holistic therapies to support people on their journey.
After 12 years in the Army I bought land in France and opened a yoga and meditation centre in the countryside. In 2019 on a metaphysics course in Guatemala, I met Ilan. We fell in love, I became pregnant after 6 months and I experienced my world collapse. Everything that I thought I was, everything that I had created was about to dissolve.
Pregnancy and Childbirth shattered me into tiny pieces and I had no idea how to pull myself back together, everyday I woke up hand in hand with my faith and compassion. The Rite of Passage into motherhood was and is the biggest awakening for me and I am eternally grateful.
I birthed in Costa Rica, 28 hours free birth at home and 30 minutes in a tiny emergency room. For now CR is our home and we feel blessed to be welcomed to this land. I now run weekly ecstatic dances, monthly full moon circles and continue to offer support online.
I run a weekly podcast, The Depths of Motherhood, where we talk to incredibly knowledgeable and compassionate humans. As a doula and advocate for empowered births I feel deeply passionate about shining the light on the distorted ideas we have been fed around childbirth and motherhood,
I’ve been holding space in women’s circles since 2016 and feel deeply honored to have the calling to hold space to heal and thrive together. As we join together we are held by our ancestors, the earth and our hearts to create and receive exactly what we need to nourish and guide us.
Thank you for being you,

Adult Nurse
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Meditation Teacher
Energy Healing Practitioner
Womb yoga Teacher
Children's Yoga Teacher
Pilates Teacher
Holistic Therapist

I Love
My family
Plant Medicine
Self Development